Alright lets get to the title of this post. I really do not like doing laundry. Mainly because of the amount of trouble the kids get into while I'm doing it.
While I was doing laundry Maggie got into the fridge and helped herself and Alex to some chocolate pudding and then sprayed half of my bottle of hairspray on him. And I did have a better picture of it but he is also COMPLETELY naked which was also probably with the help of Maggie. Yikes. I was only downstairs for maybe 10 min. Sometimes I feel like it is dangerous to even blink. lol
And maybe tonight I will post pics of Maggie's b-day present. I was ALMOST finished making it when she decided wake up at 1:30 am and interrupt me :( She is turning 3 and I am in denial. Where did the time go?
Well have a good day everyone!