Sunday, August 8, 2010


I haven't written here in a while.  I'm not very good about this I guess. Oops.  And the problem is that when you wait so long there are many many things to talk about and it is really hard to choose what you want to talk about.  I don't want this blog to be all scatterbrained and crazy.  So I guess I will talk about just two things.  Here goes...

Has anyone here ever been on a diet?  I just started one this past week.  And I must say that I mostly hate it.  Sorry.  I guess it will take some getting used to.  I really want it to be a life change but dang it I miss my mac and cheese and mashed potatoes so bad.  And sadly its only been 4 days.  I really thought chocolate and ice cream and stuff like that were going to be the hardest stuff to give up but no.   On the positive side I have lost weight.  I'm pretty sure that if I had stepped on the scale and had seen no changes I would have said SCREW IT and went to KFC.  Thank the Lord that is not what happened.  Instead stepping on the scale was motivation to carry on.  Oh and in case you are wondering( I would be if I were u)  I have at least 40 lbs to lose.  Almost takes my breath away when I say it aloud.  But that would bring me back to pre-kid weight.  If I am feeling really ambitious once I get there I will go for the extra 10 lbs.  Hmmm.

Oh and Also I've started to exercise!  Woo hoo!  Guys this is really sad though.  A three mile WALK is HARD for me.  Ugh!  Honestly I cried after the first time because I was sooooo mad at myself for allowing myself to ever get this overweight and this out of shape.  But then I picked myself up and told myself tomorrow would be better.  AND IT WAS!  lol A little positive thinking goes a long way I suppose.  And... even more exciting than that was that I spoke to my neighbor that lives two doors down from me for the first time EVER while out for a stroll.  We've live this close to each other for about 3 yrs now but I'm hopelessly shy and have a hard time small talking with total strangers :(  Wish I was better at that.

And for something fun...  I made a dress and a baby doll diaper bag for my friends daughter's birthday(whew that was a mouthful dontcha think?)  I hope she likes them.  She even posed for me so that I could get a nice picture of her hugging her gifts.  I so badly want to post that pic but I have yet to ask her mommy and daddy if that is OK.  So for now I will just post pics I took pre-party.
This is the diaper bag(obviously right?).  And as you can see I used 2 different denims.  I could lie and say it was on purpose.  BUT nope.  Totally accidental.  I ran out of the first denim :(  But luckily I had some pre-washed denim.  And although it didn't turn out the way I had hoped it is 10 times better than the horrible walmart ones that are teeny tiny and useless. 
And this is the dress.  I used the same tutorial for this one that I used for Maggie's dress that I already blogged about.  It was windy and therefore quite difficult to get a good picture.  But that thing in the middle of it is a cupcake applique with ruffle frosting and red button(for the cherry).  I was quite in love with it and wanted to keep it for Maggie.  O well.
And Maggie wanted to keep the diaper bag... Poor Elyssa almost didn't get birthday presents from us.  ;) 

Well I hope you all have a wonderful week!  Pray that I can keep up with my diet and exercise and that I lose more weight!  Thanks

Bri Bee

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